THE BLOOM GIRLS, a work of fiction by Emily Cavanagh, to be released March 14, 2017 by Lake Union Publishing
“When Suzy Bloom first heard about her father’s death, she was making a cheese soufflé. In the stainless-steel test kitchen of the FoodArt offices, Suzy cracked egg after egg, straining the whites into one bowl and the sunny-yellow yolks into another. Her fingers were slippery when she picked up the pencil to record in her notebook the exact measurements for this recipe.” ABOUT THE BOOK A tender, heartfelt story of three sisters, their late father’s painful past, and the power of forgiveness. When the news of their father’s death reaches them, sisters Cal, Violet, and Suzy Bloom have to set aside their own personal crises, and their differences, to gather in Maine. Responsible Cal, the oldest and closest to their dad, is torn between taking care of her family and meeting the demands of a high-pressure law career. Impulsive Violet, the estranged middle child, is regretting a messy breakup with a man she’s just now realizing she truly loves. And Suzy, the sweet youngest daughter, is anguishing over a life-altering decision. Arriving in their father’s small coastal town, the Bloom sisters can’t help but revisit the past, confronting the allegations against their father that shattered their family nearly twenty years earlier. As they try to reconcile different versions of their childhood and search for common ground, they’re forced to look at their father’s life—and their own lives—with new eyes, or risk losing all they hold dear. ABOUT THE AUTHOR A teacher as well as a writer, Emily Cavanagh lives with her husband and two daughters on Martha’s Vineyard Island. The Bloom Girls is her first novel. Read more about Emily’s work and life at www.emilycavanaghauthor.com. CONTACT Emily Cavanagh: [email protected] www.emilycavanaghauthor.com Agency: Marlene Stringer| www.stringerlit.com Publisher: Lake Union Publishing *Review Copies and Interviews Upon Request* |